Russ JrBlogAbout

About Russ Jr

17 March, 2019 - 3 min read

Hi! I'm Russell. You can call me Russ, or Russ Jr, or Russell. Doesn't matter.

I'll be using this blog to pass on what I learn as a software developer and connect with other like-minded people.

You can expect posts anywhere from neat frontend tricks to fundamental algorithms in software development. I love to learn and I am inspired by the amazing engineers that got us to where we are today.

P.S. If you're wondering who the heck the dude on the tab to this site is and why I'm already assuming you're my friend, allow me to introduce you to the greatest show of all time. If you already know, bonsoir 😎.

Please feel free to reach out to me on any social, or email me at

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